Imagine being in an automobile accident in the early 1980s and slowly deteriorating into a catatonic state due to a traumatic brain injury. Twenty some years later,  you’re awakened with new medicines, and strive to rebuild your life — in the face of obstacles and societal prejudice toward mental health conditions.

“Special Kind of Wrong” is a compassionate call to arms; a four-part mini-documentary web series designed to provide immediate hope and awareness, raise questions, and encourage in-depth discussions about mental health conditions. We are here to spread light on a subject that is often misrepresented and woefully misunderstood.

Our primary goal is to help others. Most mental health conditions can be managed with proper care — and we believe every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and to live without fear. We understand the value of accountability, the importance of fair-minded views, and the divine power of collaboration. Teamwork saves lives, prevents loss of home and/or incarceration, and improves quality of life overall. We are determined to make a difference. Please join us.

This documentary is not only a love letter to my family, but to the hundreds of mindful professionals and community members who helped us navigate the challenging maze of the mental health system. Truths and stories are shared by hospital administrators, health care professionals, artists, musicians and concerned community members who've witnessed this journey unfold in real time. We assured them we would not forget them. And we have not. Our family experienced many victories and defeats over the past 30+  years, but the stakes were too high to not fight the fight. It was all worth it.

We urge society — family members, friends, health care professionals and policymakers alike — to lead with unified concern, compassion and respect.  

The National Institutes of Health estimates nearly one in five Americans — 43.8 million people — live with a mental health condition.

                                                                                                              - Patty Murray


"is it what I deserve, or is it what you decide will be enough for me?" - Jason Isbell